CNM’s Health Coach training is the best out there!
Carmen Cimmino, CNM graduate, successful Health Coach and Fertility Specialist
I looked at various Health Coaching courses but none of them were comparable to CNM’s Health Coach course which is comprehensive, practical and high-quality.
People need Health Coaches
Before studying at CNM, I was working as a marketing accounts executive. After years of health issues and not finding answers, I began researching nutrition and studying complementary therapies. I’m now a kinesiology practitioner, massage therapist, life coach and health coach. To further my nutrition knowledge, I’m starting the Naturopathic Nutrition diploma at CNM in September.
I’ve been passionate about nutrition, health prevention and education since I was young. At aged 22, I began researching nutrition and learning about the many different and wonderful complementary therapies that are available. One thing I realised is that people need a coach – an “accountability partner” – someone who can educate and empower them to take long-term action. Health coaching offers the opportunity to do just that; to move people forward from where they are to where they want/need to be. Empowering someone supports a long-lasting change.
I loved everything about the course and CNM
CNM was already familiar to me and I loved the ethos of the college. After attending a webinar about the Health Coach course, I signed up the next day. I enjoyed all the modules but my favourite was the coaching module where we put all the practical aspects of the course into action. We learnt strategies for dealing with different issues and how to offer practical, highly effective advice to our clients. What I love most about being a Health Coach is seeing how clients respond to the coaching by coming up with solutions themselves; something they may not have done without the guidance of a Health Coach.
Opened up so many opportunities
Health Coaching has opened up so many opportunities for me. It’s given me more tools to move clients forward, support them and really make a difference to the way they respond. The course directed me towards my niche and gave me in-depth information about nutrition for everyday living, exercise, how the body works, coaching and marketing strategies which I found fantastic. It highlighted my passion for educating and empowering people to improve their health and make positive changes in their life.
I’m now a natural fertility coach
I’m currently setting up my business and preparing my website. My niche is natural fertility coaching and supporting women’s health. My inner most desire is to empower, support and educate women. I have endometriosis but through nutrition, education and coaching, my life has completely changed. I’d love to be able to do the same for other women. Often women feel helpless and overwhelmed because they don’t have the knowledge or support to make changes – this is where health coaching comes in!
Health Coaching offers endless opportunities as you can do so many things with it such as talks, coaching programmes, collaborate with other practitioners, create content and education. The impact that health coaching has on health and wellbeing cannot be underestimated, especially in today’s society where people are becoming more aware about their health. My advice to anyone thinking of becoming a Health Coach is to go for it! It will not only change your life but all the people you support.